If you are thinking of moving abroad and not quite sure what you will need here is an ever growing list of the things I’ve needed since moving abroad.

If you are thinking of moving abroad and not quite sure what you will need here is an ever growing list of the things I’ve needed since moving abroad.
Guesssssssss whattttttttt?!?!?!?!? I MOVED AGAIN!
After living abroad for the last 3 years in Thailand, Kuwait and Egypt we have learned a lot of lessons. We are sharing them for people planning the big move overseas.
2018 was an amazing year for The Wards. In this post we share our greatest accomplishments and milestones from our DNA results to our NYE in Germany
Are you considering moving overseas but don’t know where to start? Here is the ultimate checklist to help you get started with your international move! Moving abroad has never been easier.
I am a firm believer in living your life while you are young enough to enjoy it. Here’s a list of all the things on our bucket list! MeetTheWards.Com | BucketList