Qween Vic

Humble Brag: 2016 Was The Best Year Of My Life

Humble Brag: 2016 Was The Best Year Of My Life

You may ask, “then why is she writing about 2016 in July of 2017?” ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ The simplest answer I could give you is that sometimes you sit around and just think about the things you have done and the path your life is currently taking. Every now and then I get blown away by the amazing things we have been able to do at such young ages. And as I sit here on July 31st of 2017, I am experiencing just that.

2016 was dubbed by literally everyone as the worst year ever. And sure, there were some major tragedies, losses and disappointments, but none of them derailed my life personally. I just continued to live my life the way everyone doubted I should and here I am infinitely happier for it.
My parents always say that whatever you say will be, shall be. If you keep saying something is bad that’s exactly what it’s going to be. You have already told your brain that this isn’t something positive and you won’t like it. Then guess what happens you don’t like it and are unable to see the good even if it is there.

Everything is about perspective. If Thailand has taught me one thing it is that you and you alone are in charge of your happiness. To be blunt these people are poor and are STILL happy! I have heard Thai people say many times (in their broken English/my basic Thai conversations) if I have enough to eat then I have enough. And if I think like that I ALWAYS have more than enough.
So here is a recap of my 2016

-Celebrated my quarter century 2๏ธโƒฃ5๏ธโƒฃ and no it wasn’t some grand thing but I was with the people I love
 Celebrating Victoria's 25th Birthday | MeetTheWards.Com

Celebrating Victoria’s 25th Birthday

-visited 7 countries on 4 different continents ๐ŸŒ
-got to see a bunch of cities in the states ๐Ÿ›ซ
-flew over 49,000miles (adds up to 5days of time!)โœˆ
Take Off from Casablanca, Morocco | MeetTheWards.Com

Take Off from Casablanca, Morocco | MeetTheWards.Com

-knocked some things off my BucketList๐Ÿ“
-sold all my shit (I had my car for 9 years and no it wasn’t the greatest but I still loved it)๐Ÿš™
Victoria's Old Car | MeetTheWards.Com

Victoria’s Old Car | MeetTheWards.Com

-quit the job that allowed me to see the world (if you have reached this point and guessed that I worked for an airline, you guessed right!) and people thought I was crazy for leaving it behindโœŒ๐Ÿพ
Sitting in the engine of an A321 | MeetTheWards.Com

Sitting in the engine of an Airbus A321 | MeetTheWards.Com

moved to another country ๐Ÿ—บwe currently reside in Bangkok, Thailand and are leaving to our next destination tomorrow ๐Ÿ™Š
– started a new career ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿพโ€๐Ÿซ I taught English at a prestigious all-boys boarding school for some of Thailand’s most important families.
One of my many classes | MeetTheWards.Com

One of my many classes | MeetTheWards.Com

– and last but not least I continued to enjoy my life every day

2017 has flown by and it has already been a great year. Clichรฉ but life is what you make it and I’m choosing to make it great.

Two Traveling Texans


0 thoughts on “Humble Brag: 2016 Was The Best Year Of My Life

  1. Sally@Tips 4 Trips

    You didn’t mention your personal tragedies that I am assuming you encountered along this wonderful adventure. Instead, it is all about the great opportunities you have been presented with and making the most of them.
    I know first-hand life can throw you curve balls but it how you meet those challenges and what you do with them that matters. Sounds like you are on the right track for 2017.

  2. brycerae

    Sounds like you had a really good time. I’m Jealous. I’m yet to see much of the world . I am determined I will do it one day. Lovely positive post !!

  3. Ozzy CG

    Great! There are lots of changes happened in 2016. Very inspirational. Not everyone can dare to make such changes like leaving the job and the country at the same time. I laughed a lot when I read the title and then the first sentence lol.

  4. In Between Pictures

    Wow that sounds like an epic adventure! It’s always scary to leave your life behind and start a fresh one in a totally different country. But glad to see you are having the best time of your life!

  5. Dyana @adebtfreejourney

    2016 was definitely a great year for you! I am leaving the country for the first time this year and I AM SCARED! I rarely leave my little town in Arkansas but I know I must expand my mind! I also LOVE doing the things everyone thinks I am crazy for doing. Continue to follow your heart.

    1. Victoria Post author

      Don’t be scared! I’m sure it will be great and if it’s not you will have a great story to tell lol either way you win. Hope you follow your heart as well

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