Qween Vic

10 Things You Have To See To Believe: Bangkok Edition

Bangkok is for sure the most interesting place I have ever lived.

Everrr ahahah. That’s saying something since I have lived in New York, Florida, The DMV, and Kuwait. Bangkok is a confusing place full of contradictions that don’t make sense to the foreign eye. To put it nicely, Bangkok is weird. If you have ever been to Thailand you know exactly what I’m talking about. If not you will enjoy this list.

I wish I had started writing down the “weird” things I would see around town when I first got here because after being here for a while you start to see these things as normal and altogether forget about them. That is until my friends come to visit and ask why are they doing that. A common saying here is This Is Thailand, TIT for short. It basically means, it just is this way, don’t bother asking why.

1. Stray dogs are everywhere:

Bangkok may as well be the stray dog capital of the world. Lol. The dogs are also treated like kings so they are some of the fattest and laziest dogs you have ever seen. If you happen to run into some don’t be scared they will be way too lazy to chase after you.

Stray Dogs In Thailand | Things You Have To See To Believe: Bangkok Edition | MeetTheWards.Com


2. Every day at 8 AM and 6 PM EVERYONE stands completely still:

At these times the national anthem plays over loudspeakers and everyone stands completely still. It is like a nationwide Mannequin Challenge. The first time it happens to you in an extremely crowded public place it will catch you off guard. Be careful not to bump into anyone.



3. Traffic is the worst:

Seriously traffic is not a game here. According to Tom Toms Travel Index, Bangkok has the 2nd  worst traffic in the world (2016). If you leave your house just one minute late you could spend an additional two hours twiddling your thumbs in standstill traffic. The only people able to get through the traffic are those who ride on motorbikes.


Bangkok Standstill Traffic | MeetTheWards.com


4. Motorbikes rule the road:

And sidewalks for that matter. Since traffic is so dense the only way to get somewhere quickly is to hop on one of the motorbike taxis. Have you really been to Bangkok if you haven’t seen a family of 5 and their dog on the back of a motorcycle? I think not lol Itโ€™s even more common to see these same bikes carrying so much cargo it looks like the bike might flip over at any second.

  Motorbike In Bangkok | MeetTheWards.com


5. There is a person whose job it is to just sweep. And they sweep everything:

The Street, the grass, the roof, it doesn’t matter. The reason it is weird is because it’s one of the dirtiest cities I’ve ever been to (so far). I can’t even imagine what it would be like without them. They are so appreciated. 

Street Sweeper | Bangkok | MeetTheWards.com


6. People flat-iron the grass:

Apparently, cutting the grass isn’t enough. You need to make sure every blade is even. The only way to accomplish that is to flat-iron/steamroll the grass after you finish cutting it. 


Flatironing Grass | Bangkok | MeetTheWards.com


7. People eat bugs:

I can’t say that people are going to everyday restaurants asking for bugs but in the touristy areas, you can find all types of bugs for sale. Bugs weird me out but if you’re adventurous enough and think your stomach’s made of steel, I say go for it.



8. The weather is the devil:

At least that’s how it seems the people feel. They hide from the sun and the rain. No one wants to get dark. And the ones who are already dark are constantly trying to get lighter. Just about anything that is skin related has whitening and brightening agents.

As far as the rain goes it seems as if people think if it touches them they will melt. During one rainy night, I went to dinner. When I left home it was barely a drizzle. Everyone was hiding underneath this awning at a grocery store. When I made it to the restaurant a serious downpour started so I sat in this restaurant for about an hour or so. When I returned home EVERYONE was exactly where I left them and looking pissed off that they were somehow stuck in a game of freeze tag.

Since I have lived in Florida walking in the rain is normal to me and I don’t fully understand the reason behind not getting wet. Even when big events are going on the town is pretty much dead as soon as there is a whiff of rain. The only time Thai people enjoy getting wet is during Songkran.


9. The LadyBoys are really pretty:

If you are a single man visiting this city and plan to partake in the nightlife a word of warning. A lot of LadyBoys are really pretty and could easily fool any unsuspecting eyes. Usually, if they are way too pretty go ahead and assume that is/used to be a man. If that’s what you are into more power to you. If you want to see what I’m talking about check out this hashtag below.


10. Public Transportation is no joke:

Taking the bus, train, or songtaew in BKK will be an adventure in itself. Trust me when I say you won’t ever forget it. Even during non-peak hours, it is alwayssss packed. For the most part, every breathable inch of space is taken. Crowded Train Bangkok | Public Transportation | MeetTheWards.ComAfter reading this list I’m sure you can agree that Bangkok is a strange place. What are some weird things you’ve seen while you were abroad?

Feeling this post? Go ahead and share. You know you want to!

Picture is of a tray of bugs that are being sold to be eaten | Bangkok is Weird | 10 things you have to see to believe Bangkok, Thailand | QWEENVIC.COM

Two Traveling Texans

23 thoughts on “10 Things You Have To See To Believe: Bangkok Edition

  1. Pingback: ALMOST Everything There Is To Do In Bangkok

  2. delacroixllc

    At first, the stray dogs bummed me out. However, I’m so glad they’re all plump from being fed so well. I can’t believe people stop wherever they are at 8 and 6 to show respect for the anthem. That’s so unique!

  3. Travel Lexx

    I haven’t lived in Bangkok but I have been many times and all of these things seem pretty normal to me. I do remember the first time I was caught out by the 6pm national anthem and I was very confused for a second. I actually quite like eating bugs too! Nutritious and full of protein! Great post and made me miss Bangkok so much!

    1. Victoria Post author

      At this point all these things are normal to me too. I never got around to eating the bugs but I do hear they are good for you. Lol thanks for stopping by

  4. Anda

    These are some strange things indeed. Standing still because they play the national anthem reminds me a lot about Communism! I doubt people do that from their own conviction. It’s most likely imposed on them. I would really hate that. #TheWeeklyPostcard

    1. Victoria Post author

      Lol true it is unique but they have a bunch of those type of places that donโ€™t quite have the notoriety. It was a cute little spot. I could understand how a brother could be annoyed lmao

    1. Victoria Post author

      ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I hear you. For all the time I lived there I couldnโ€™t bring myself to try any lol thanks for stopping by

  5. SeasonedTravelr, aka Jessica

    I’d love to visit Bangkok! I always knew it’d be a culture shock, but wow! The national anthem would definitely creep me out I think. My husband, who is Spanish, already thinks it is strange that in America children sing the national anthem every morning, but this is a whole other level. And I’m surprised the people are so afraid of the rain! It’s a shame about the skin lightening products, though. Thanks for all of the great information! #TheWeeklyPostcard

    1. Victoria Post author

      Hahaha yes I have heard from others how weird they think it is that we do that in school. If you look up the translated lyrics to their anthem you would be more shocked that they sing it twice a day hahaha itโ€™s kinda brutal. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. California Globetrotter

    We also have people in Germany who sweep the city streets where the mini trash trucks can’t drive to sweep up trash. I think it’s a lovely way of keeping the cities clean. Germany is one of the cleanest countries I’ve ever been to so I really appreciate it! Thanks for linking up with #TheWeeklyPostcard!

    1. Victoria Post author

      Thatโ€™s actually a really good idea. If they had a street sweepers (the truck) and people to come behind them that would be a way to keep the cityโ€™s much cleaner. Thanks for stopping by

    1. Victoria Post author

      Yes imagine that happening while you are in a crowded place and everyone immediately stops. It will for sure catch you off guard

  7. Lydia C. Lee

    I did not know that about the National Anthem. I kind of like that. I’m guessing I wasn’t awake at 8am. No idea where I was at 6pm tho?? #Weeklypostcard

    1. Victoria Post author

      I’m not really sure why this comment showed up as spam so the response is late. Lol but Yes maybe you weren’t in a heavily populated area? In Bangkok the entire city comes to a complete standstill as soon as the anthem starts playing. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Anisa

    I think the one I have the hardest time with is eating the bugs. I can’t stand to see bugs, so hard for me to imagine how people can eat them. Thanks for sharing on #TheWeeklyPostcard

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