Qween Vic

Frequently Asked Questions About Kuwait

Frequently Asked Questions About Kuwait | Qweenvic.com

If you have found yourself wondering where in the world The Wards are going next you have come to the right place. If you haven’t heard by now we are moving AGAIN! I say AGAIN because people think we move around a lot. Since we have been together we have had the privilege of living in Miami, Washington, D.C., and Bangkok. If you haven’t heard, where the hell have you been? lol This is our second international move and we couldn’t be happier about it.

We have been keeping the destination of our next home a secret for a while now and have been asking people to guess where they think we might be going. Let me tell you, the locations people have been coming up with have been pretty comical but no one was able to guess correctly without some clues. For those of you who know your world flags, you may be able to figure out where it is we are moving from the header image.

In reality, this move has been in the works for quite some time. But we don’t believe in sharing news until it is 100% guaranteed. Since we are currently on the plane headed to our next destination, I would say it is safe enough to announce that The Wards are moving to …. drumroll please….


Liberation Tower by Mohammad Awadh on 500px.com

Since I am sure everyone has questions I figured I would do you all a favor and answer the questions I’m sure you probably have.

Where exactly is Kuwait?

Map of Middle East | MeetTheWards.Com

  • Kuwait is a small (about the size of New Jersey) country located in Asia in the Middle Eastern Region. Its neighboring countries include Saudi Arabia and Iraq and has the Arabian Gulf to the East. If you look at the picture above you will see a star on the map. That will be the exact location of our new home.

 What is the capital?

Map of Kuwait | MeetTheWards.Com

  • The capital of Kuwait is Kuwait City. We won’t be living in the downtown area but close to the airport.

What language do they speak there?

Arabic Alphabet | MeetTheWards.Com

  • While English is widely spoken the official language of the country is Traditional Arabic. In everyday life, people speak Kuwaiti Arabic, which has multiple dialects. Their language has been heavily influenced due to the vast immigration and trade that happened in their early history.

What is the weather like?

Its HOT in Kuwait | MeetTheWards.Com

  • Since Kuwait is the desert, the simple answer would be that it is HOT! During the summer Kuwait is one of the hottest places on Earth. Temperatures have reached up to 129* F! That’s like face-melting type of heat. Lol, we thought Bangkok was hot. Something tells me this will be much worse hahaha

Are you in the military?

Military in Kuwait | MeetTheWards.Com

  • Since the early 90’s there has been a heavy military presence in Kuwait and we happen to move a lot so people always assume that one of us must be in the military. The answer to that is NOPE. There is nothing against the people who move with the military but we have been moving around and settling in different places all on our own.

Is it safe? Will there be bombs dropped every day?

What If I Told You Everything You Know About The Middle East Is A Lie? | MeetTheWards.com

  • Just about everywhere in the world is as safe as you make it. If there aren’t any wars going on your safety mostly depends on you being aware of your surroundings and using common sense. I honestly feel safer in most other countries I travel to rather than my own home country. So no, no bombs in our area.

What type of people live there?

Kuwaitis celebrate 50/20

  • Kuwait is an interesting place as most of the people who live there are actually Expats. Out of Kuwait’s 4 Million people, foreigners make up about 70% of the people who live there. 1

Does Victoria have to wear some sort of headscarf like a hijab, burqa, niqab, etc?


–  Nope. Kuwait is one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East. Women are not required to wear anything on their heads. Anyone who is doing so is doing it by choice.

Does Victoria need a male escort?


  • Again Women in Kuwait are not restricted in the same ways that some women in other countries are. I am free to come and go as I please.

Are you guys crazy?

Hollywood Beach, FL | MeetTheWards.com

-Hahaha yes, we are crazy about living life.

Enjoy some pictures I found on the web of Kuwait City.

If you have the time I found this video on YouTube to tell you more about Kuwait

Stay tuned as we keep you up to date on our new home.

If you have any questions or think any of the information is incorrect feel free to comment below.

As usual, follow our Hashtags to see what we have been up to #MeetTheWards #WardWorldTakeOver  and our newest hashtag #MeetTheWardsInKuwait

Frequently Asked Questions About Kuwait | Qweenvic.com
I do not own the rights to any of the pictures found in this post.

50 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions About Kuwait

  1. Zoheb Ahmed Khan


    I got my Civil ID Number, and it will take few days more to get ID.

    Can i make bus Pass with Civil ID number only.

  2. Pingback: Things To Do In Kuwait: The Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre

  3. Pingback: Our First Week Living Abroad in Kuwait – Meet The Wards

  4. Sally@Tips 4 Trips

    it sounds like your going to be in for one hell of a ride ๐Ÿ™‚ The city does look beautiful, and I’m sure you will learn an incredible amount about a culture that is quite foreign to many of us.

  5. amandasettle

    My first overseas job was in Kuwait, teaching at KES. I met my husband in Kuwait a fellow Brit and made some friends for life while there. We’ve lived in 3 more countries since but Kuwait will always have a special place in my heart.

    1. Victoria Post author

      That’s so awesome! And kudos to you for your first country to be Kuwait. People totally don’t expect that. I’m glad you have so many special memories over here

  6. Emma

    Great for you ! I I travel to Kuwait for work as well ๐Ÿ™‚ I would also add that not only the Kuwaiti don’t wear the burqa (many wear the hijab though but not all), they are among the most stylish in the ME. Their beauty bloggers are the reference in the region with millions of followers! Good luck with your settling in Kuwait!

  7. Dalal Yagoubi

    This must be the first blog post I read about Kuweit. Bravo guys for going off the beaten path. Are you guys going to work there or do you earn a living online? You cracked me up with the Donald duck gif ๐Ÿ˜…

  8. Daisy

    Soo exciting! My Kuwaitian friend is one of the friendliest people I know! I fell in love with Middle Eastern culture & people after visiting Turkey. Can’t wait to explore other countries in the region!

  9. Anna Schlaht

    Ooh this is so fun! Congrats, guys. The hubs and I almost moved to Kuwait for a job, but it fell through at the last minute. We did a lot of research and were so surprised to realize that almost everything we’ve heard from regular media is a lie; it really expanded out horizons. Thanks for spreading the word about some of the misconceptions of Kuwait. And other than the heat (which is craaaaaazy), we hope you enjoy this new chapter of travels! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Victoria Post author

      I find that what I learn on the news vs actually visiting a place are sooo different. Unless there is a war going on on my front step I find that I will be okay most anywhere because the things we have heard are untrue. It’s nice that you guys had an open heart to even consider a place like this. Maybe one day you will move here anyway and we will meet up lol

  10. Saidy

    Wow so intriguing and interesting babe! Good luck on all your future adventuresโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  11. Maninio

    hey there! great post! I was discussing with a friend today about Kuwait, she is going to get a job by next week. I am Engineer, how easy is to find a job there?

    1. Victoria Post author

      We found jobs before we came and it more than likely needs to be done that way for visa purposes (which is kind of difficult to get). There are A LOT of American companies out here though. So either looking for a transfer or outright application to a new place might be in your best interest. Probably searching engineer job in Kuwait with probably give you a lot of results

  12. Kristine Li

    Wow! I’m intrigued! Thanks for sharing all these information about Kuwait! The photos looked really amazing, I’d never imagined Kuwait to be like these! Wishing you guys a smooth move to your new destination =)

  13. Theresa

    I had no idea Kuwait was so small and that most of its population was expats! Really nice photos and look forward to hearing more about your new life there.

  14. maryosadolor

    Lol, your post is so refreshing and puts a smile on my face. Keep enjoying what you’re doing. Amazing pictures i must say.

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